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动物医学Veterinary Medicine

发布日期:2023-09-05   点击量:

一、专业简介与方案特色 Professional introduction and features

浙江农林大学动物医学专业为国家一流本科专业建设点,为浙江省定向培养基层农技人员的7个本科专业之一。本专业依托兽医学科(浙江省一流学科),现有专任教师60人,100%具有博士学位,拥有美国执业兽医博士(DVM2人、中国执业兽医师22人。建有浙江省畜禽绿色生态健康养殖应用技术研究重点实验室、浙江省动物医学与健康管理国际科技合作基地、全国高校兽医领域第一个通过中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS, ISO/IEC 17025)认可和检验检测机构资质认定(CMA)认证的第三方检测中心和教学动物医院等实践教学平台,拥有国家虚拟仿真实验教学项目等国家一流课程,秉持同一世界·同一健康理念,培养高级应用型人才。

The major Veterinary Medicine of Zhejiang A&F University is a national grade first-class undergraduate major and one of the seven majors in Zhejiang Province with contracted graduates exclusively serving in the field of Agriculture. The major of Veterinary Medicine thrives on the Discipline of Veterinary Medicine which is provincially graded as first class. The major Veterinary Medicine has 60 doctorated faculty members. There are 22 licensed veterinarians including 2 DVMs graduated from the U.S.-China DVM scholarship program. Our practical teaching platforms include the Key Laboratory of Applied Technology on Green-Eco-Healthy Animal Husbandry of Zhejiang Province, the Veterinary Medicine and Health Management International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Zhejiang Province, Veterinary Diagnostic Center, the first veterinary laboratory accredited by the China National Accreditation Service (ISO/IEC 17025) for Conformity Assessment and China Metrology Accreditation, ZAFU Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Gold courses are neatly built incorporating National Virtual Reality (VR) Teaching Projects. Our goal is to cultivate talents with a skill set of problem solving and a mindset of "One world, One health" for the veterinary profession.


According to the national quality standards, level 3 accreditation requirement for the major of Veterinary Medicine, requirements for development of Emerging Agricultural Education, ethnicity-oriented education, more intimately intertwined general education and professional education, establishment of more first-class courses, development of a global vision of the students, more social engagement into education, the curricula of Veterinary Medicine are designed. The 70 points pass system (100-point system) is adopted for all the courses in this training program. The students who have scored less than 70 points will be regarded as fail, and the students who have scored less than 77 points in an academic year will be stayed down.

、培养目标 Educational objectives


Our mission is to produce qualified veterinarians with strong moral characters, high intelligence, a sturdy physique, elegancy, diligence and a mindset of “One World, One Health”. Graduates are expected to actively involve in the animal industries, including but not limited to animal production, animal health, veterinary medicine, public health, wild life reservation, food safety and security and etc.. The students are trained on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of animal diseases, animal hygiene inspection, the safety of animal products, the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases, and the overall protection of animal and human health with their professional skillsets, inventiveness, entrepreneurship and a global vision.

、专业核心课程 Core courses

1.动物解剖学(Animal Anatomy

2.动物组织胚胎学(Animal Histology and Embryology

3.动物生理学(Animal Physiology

4.动物生物化学(Animal Biochemistry

5.兽医微生物学(Veterinary Microbiology

6.兽医免疫学(Veterinary Immunology

7.兽医药理学(Veterinary Pharmacology

8.兽医病理学(Veterinary Pathoanatomy

9.兽医传染病学(Veterinary Lemology

10.中兽医学(Chinese Traditional Veterinary Science

修业年限 Year of study


Flexible academic system is implemented in 4 years, or 3-6 years according to student’s performance.

、毕业学分和学位授予 Required credits


130 credits, HSK-4, leading to the degree bachelor of Agriculture.

地址:浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号    Address:666 Wusu Street,lin'an District,Hangzhou,China 311300

国内电话:0571-63748756,0571-63926891    Overseas Tel:+86-571-63741155,+86-571-63926893    Email:[email protected]

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